Applying for a Master's degree programme with a Non-German first academic degree

You want to apply for a Master degree programme at the HafenCity Universit?t (HCU) and you acquired your first academic degree not in Germany?

If so, than we will explain Step by Step how to apply at the HCU.

Before you start with the application, please inform yourself carefully about the master degree programme you want to study. More information you will find here.

You will find under the menue item "application dates"information about the application period and deadline.


Please inform yourself about the application requirements for the master's degree programme of your choice and find out which documents you need for both the application and admission procedures.

More information you will find in the specific admission regulation (BZO) and the checklist of your desired master degree programme.


You have informed yourself in detail about your desired master's degree programme than you have to reviewed your first academic degree by uni-assist. You will find here more information about the application via uni-assist.

Applicants with a Non-German first academic degree have to prove their German language proficiency. Please make sure that you prepare in time for a German language test.

If the language certificate cannot provided, a registration for the respective language test needs to be submitted before the end of the application deadline. In case of admission you have to provide the German language certificate when submitting the application for enrolment to the Student Service Center (in the first half of August).

A proof of German language proficiency is not necessary, if you apply for the Master degree programmes REAP and Geodesy and Geoinformatics (specialisation Hydrography).

If you want to apply for one of the following master's degree programme, you have to submit sufficient English language proficiency:

  • Master degree programme Geodesy and Geoinformatics (specialisation Hydrography)
  • Master degree programme REAP (Resource Efficiency in Architecture and Planning)
  • Master Urban Design

You will find in the specific admission requirements (BZO) of your desired master's degree programme if your proof of English language skills come up to the requirements of the HCU.

More information you will find here.

Please create your application account via the ahoi application portal of the Hafen City Univeristy within the application period. Afterwards enter your data and submit the application electronically. After that please print your online application.


Once you have filled out and electronically submitted your application, you will need to uplaod to the HCU cloud in a pdf file (maximum 70 MB) all required documents together with the printed and signed ahoi online application until the application deadline.

The PDF file have to be named as follows: surname, first name, ahoi application number

After submitting the ahoi online application, you will receive the upload link by email.

You will find in the Checklist for your desired Master's degree programme, which documents you have to upload to the HCU cloud.


Application documents received late, incomplete and/or by email and/or post cannot be considered.

Therefore, before uploading your documents, check that they are complete.

You can see the receipt of your uploaded application documents in the checkbox in your ahoi account on the next working day.?



further information