Exchange Students

Exchange students are registered at other universities and usually come to the HCU 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网 as part of an exchange program. The study period should not exceed two semesters (in exceptional cases four). Exchange students have to be nominated by their home university and will receive an e-mail confirmation after the HCU has received their nomination.



The application takes place online through the ahoi-portal of the HafenCity University after the exchange students have been successfully nominated. Once the application is submitted electronically, the HCU will send a confirmation letter (if needed, please indicate in the application form) that can be used for the visa application.

The respective deadlines for the nomination and the application are:

Nomination by partner university: before winter term: 01. May before summer term: 15. November
Application by student: before winter term: 01. June – 01. July before summer term: 01. December – 15. January

Teaching Content

The current course catalogue can be found on ahoi.


English translations of the current module cards can be found below:


Civil Engineering



Civil Engineering

Resource Efficiency in Architecture and Planning


The current module cards of all Bachelor?s and Master?s programmes can be found on ahoi.