Admission and enrolment

1. Admission

1.1. Bachelor degree programme

1.1.1. Coordination phase

If you have applied for a Bachelor's degree programme, the ranking lists will be sent via Hochschulstart at the end of July. The admission letter will be available in your ahoi-account under the menu item?'My Documents'. The admission letter and the enrollment documents are available in your ahoi account on the next working day, if you have actively accepted the course offer through Hochschulstart or you have been granted automatic admission.?You will be informed by email that the documents are available. Hochschulstart will issue the rejection letter after the coordination process has been completed. The rejection letter will be available in the Hochschulstart user account.?


1.1.2. Coordinated succession procedure

Enrolment for admission via a regular ranking list:

If you receive a study place in the coordinated succession procedure the information on?admission and enrolment?applies accordingly. Please note that the 7-day period for enrolment also begins when the letter of admission is made available electronically in your ahoi application account. You will be informed by e-mail as soon as the notification is available.


Enrolment with a newly submitted application and admission via the ranking list of Nachrücker-Los:

Firstly, you must create the relevant application for which you have received admission in the?ahoi portal?again. If available, please use an existing user account; otherwise, please create an application account.

In the Online Application menu item, please select your degree programme in the search for degree programmes. Then select the online application with the information on the DoSV-Nachrücker-Los in the search results. Complete the application and send it off. If there are any problems because you have already submitted an application to HafenCity University, please contact us via the?TicketSystem.

The letters of admission are issued by HafenCity University?three times a week on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in the morning during the Coordinated Succession procedure.?If you send your online application in ahoi on one of these days, you will receive your notification at the next date. The 7-day period for enrolment begins when the letter of admission is available electronically in your ahoi-account. You will be informed by e-mail as soon as the notification is available.


1.2. Master degree programme

If you have applied for a Master's degree programme, you will be informed of the result of your application by email in the first half of August. You can access your letter of admission, your enrolment application and the payment request for the semester contribution in your ahoi account under the menu item "My documents".?


2. Enrolment

2.1. Enrolment deadline

After receiving the letter of admission, you have 7 days to accept the study place and submit the enrolment documents. You will find the deadline for accepting the study place in your letter of admission.?

Please make sure that your access data are available.


2.2. Enrolment process

After you have received a study place, you must enrol (register) at HafenCity University.

The enrolment procedure at HafenCity University is usually conducted by post.

You will find under the menu item "enrolment" what kind of documents you have to submit for enrolment.

