Opening and consulting hours
Responsibilities of the Infothek
Hand over, receive and process the applications for cross-registered students.
Further information you can find here.
Hand out and receive applications and other documents and, if necessary, forward them to the responsible departments:
Address changes, certificates, semester on leave, applications, deregistration, guest auditors, enrolment, cross-registered students, re-registration, semester certifications, semester contribution, Thesis registration, degree certificate, examination certificate, admission, etc.
Questions about application and admission procedure:
Admission requirements, Application dates, Online applications, uni-assist, Hochschlustart.de, Application documents, Admission procedure, Enrolment, Fees ect.
Further information can be found here.
To contact us, please use the Ticketsystem.
+49 (0)40 / 428 27 - 53 54?
+49 (0)40 / 428 27 - 53 55?
HafenCity University
?Room E 001
Henning-Voscherau-Platz 1
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