Part-Time Studies

In accordance with the regulations defined in the current Immatrikulationsordnung of the HafenCity Universit?t 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网 (HCU) students who are unable to pursue full-time study but can devote at least half of their time to their studies can apply for part-time studies.

Please note that when you apply for part-time studies the application is always for two semesters. It is not possible to only apply for one part-time semester. Also, you cannot apply for more than two part-time semesters at a time. After two semesters a new application is possible if the reason still exists.

Reasons for part-time study

The following reasons for part-time studies will be accepted:

  • Employment with at least 15 working hours per week
  • Pregnancy, maternity protection, taking care of children younger than eight years old living in the same household as the caregiver according to the ElternzeitgesetzTaking care of children until the age of 18 living in the same household as the caregiver
  • Taking care of a close relative in need of care
  • Severe illness or disability
  • Devoting a significant amount of your time to working as a volunteer or having a commitment in the musical or sports field. Your commitment needs to be of public interest.
  • Devoting a significant amount of your time to committee work at the HCU or at the Studierendenwerk

Applicaton and deadines

If you want to apply for part-time study please use the designated form that is available in your ahoi account. As a first step, please fill out the form online and submit it electronically. Then hand in a signed hard copy along with the necessary documents to prove your reasons for the application at the Student Service Center. The deadline for the part-time study application is the last day of the re-registration period. Please hand in the original documents, no simple copies.

Documents to prove the reasons for your application:

  • Employment: a letter from your employer where they confirm the weekly working hours and the duration of your employment (if it is limited in time)
  • Pregnancy, maternity protection, taking care of children: medical certificate that confirms the pregnancy or the duration of the maternity protection, birth certificate(s) and a registration certificate (Meldebescheinigung) that confirms that the child/the children live in the same household as youTaking care of a close relative in need of care: a declaration that there is no other caretaker available, a care certificate and/or notice of assessment of the nursing degree and/or a certificate from the Pflegekasse and or a certificate from the medical service of the health insurance company
  • Severe illness or disability: medical certificate where a doctor confirms that you cannot study full time but are able to devote at least 50 % of your time to your studies and that they recommend part-time study. Copy of your identity card for the disabled (both sides) or another official documentation that confirms that you are considered to be a disabled person.
  • Devoting a significant amount of your time to working as a volunteer or having a commitment in the musical or sports field: a confirmation letter that states that your commitment is of public interest. It may be necessary to add further information on the type of the commitment.
  • Devoting a significant amount of your time to committee work at the HCU or at the Studierendenwerk: a confirmation letter that states that you work for a significant number of hours a week for the students union or student council.

Student Counseling

If you want to apply for part-time study you need to attend a student counseling to plan your future studies. You must hand in proof of the student counseling along with your application documents. Please do not hand in a copy but the original document. The document can be found here.?To make an appointment for the counseling please contact the person in charge for your degree program.

Semester contribution and re-registration

For the re-registration to the coming semester, you must pay the full amount of the semester contribution within the re-registration deadline.