Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Uwe M. Stephenson

Mathematics in Engineering Sciences, Building Physics, Room Acoustics

Uwe M. Stephenson studied Physics in Munich and at the RWTH Aachen from 1976-83. Between 1984 and 1995 he was scientific assistant at the Frauenhofer-Institute for Building Physics in Stuttgart in the department of building and room acoustics, with focus on room acoustics and computer simulation.

1991-92 and 2006 he did research work at the NTNU (the Norwegian University of Technology) in Trondheim. He developed numerous simulation programs and participated in various projects on room acoustics ( including the plenar hall of the German Bundestag in Bonn). Uwe M. Stephenson gained his doctorate in 2004 at the RWTH Aachen. (see publications)

Since 1996 he was professor for mathematics, building physics and room acoustics at the HCU 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网 (prior to that at HAW 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网). In his research he puts focus on the development of algorithms of computer simulation for room acoustics and noise impact assessment. Uwe M. Stephenson taught in the study programmes Civil Engineering and BIW/Architectural Engineering as well as in the programme Resource Efficency in Architecture and Plannign (REAP).


Focus of Research

  • Room Acoustics, Dispersion of Sound
  • Room Acoustics Computer Simulation and Auralization
  • Integration of Sound Diffraction into Room Acoustic Raytracing Programs

Research Group - Resource Efficiency in Architecture and Planning (REAP)

information?on the REAP research group


Stephenson, U.M. “An analytically derived sound particle diffraction model”, ACUSTICA united with acta acustica, 96 (6) (2010) p. 1051-1068

Stephenson, U.M. “An Energetic Approach for the Simulation of Diffraction within ray Tracing based on the Uncertainty Relation”, ACUSTICA united with acta acustica, 96 (3) (2010) p. 516-535

Pohl, A. and Stephenson, U.M. “A combination of the sound particle simulation method anthe radiosity method”, Proceedings of ISRA, Melbourne 2010

Pohl, A. and Stephenson, U.M. “Efficient simulation of sound propagation including multiple diffractions in urban geometries by convex sub-division”, Proceedings of Internoise, 2010, Lisbon

Pohl, A., Stephenson, U.: From ray to beam tracing and diffraction – an analytical prognosis formula for the trade-off between accuracy and computation time; in: Fortschritte der Akustik, DAGA 2010, Hrsg. DPG-GmbH, Bad Honnef, 2010

Stephenson, U.M. “How wrong may the Sabine formula be?- On the influence of the ceiling profile on the reverberation time”, Proceedings of Internoise, 2010, Lisbon

Stephenson, U.M. “Introducing higher order diffraction into beam tracing based on the uncertainty relation”, Proceedings of ISRA, Melbourne 2010

Pohl, A., Stephenson, U.: Room division into convex sub-spaces and its benefits to calculation time and diffraction simulation with ray tracing; in: Fortschritte der Akustik, DAGA 2010, Hrsg. DPG-GmbH, Bad Honnef, 2010

Stephenson, U.: Some further experiments with the beam diffraction model based on the uncertainty relation - is it valid also with double diffraction?; in: Fortschritte der Akustik, DAGA 2010, Hrsg. DPG-GmbH, Bad Honnef, 2010


Stephenson, U.M; Can also diffracted sound be handled as flow of particles? - Some new results of a beam tracing approach based on the uncertainty principle; in: proc. of Acoustics’08, joint SFA, EAA and ASA conference; Paris; 2008

Stephenson, U.M; On the influence of the ceiling and audience profile on the reverberation time and other room acoustical parameters; in: proc. of Intern. Conf. on AUDITORIUM ACOUSTICS 2008 Oslo; Inst. of Acoustics, University of Salford, UK, October 2008

Stephenson, Uwe: Warum ist die Akustik der Peter-Paul-Kirche Bad Oldesloe so gut? In: Forum Kirchenmusik, 5/2008, S. 4-11 Strube – Verlag, München


Es wird ein Raumakustik-Modul entwickelt und eingebunden in Architekten-CAD-Software, welches es erlaubt, gezielt und komfortabel akustisch gute R?ume zu entwerfen oder Entwürfe auf ihre Eignung zu prüfen. Die Betonung liegt dabei auf der gro?en Mehrheit kleinerer bis mittelgro?er R?ume gew?hnlicher Nutzung, also weniger den gro?en Auditorien. Angesprochen werden sollen dabei vor allem wenig vorgebildete Anwender. Ziel? soll vor allem die Optimierung der Nachhallzeiten als wichtigste raumakustische Parameter sein. Erstmals soll darüber hinaus jedoch auch versucht werden, auf einfache und schnelle Weise weitere raumakustische Qualit?ts- Parameter zu prüfen, ungünstige Konstellationen aufzuspüren (z.B. Echogefahren) und dabei dem Anwender geschickt Hinweise für Optimierungsschritte zu geben. Um die Anwendung auch für Architekten attraktiv zu machen, soll durch Visualisierungen und geschickte Nutzerführung gleichzeitig auch eine Optimierung nach optischen und weiteren Kriterien erm?glicht? werden. Für einfache F?lle soll erstmalig auch das inverse,? aber für Planer typische Problem angegangen werden: ?gegeben: raumakustische Qualit?tsma?e als Sollwerte und weitere Randbedingungen, gesucht: optimale Raumgestaltung“ (statt: ?Raumgeometrie und -Physik vorgegeben, Berechnung raumakustischer Zielgr??en im Trial–and-Error-Verfahren“). Dafür werden Algorithmen und schlie?lich Software entwickelt und implementiert.


Prof. Uwe Stephenson

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter

Dipl.-Ing. E-Technik/Akustik Stefan Drechsler

F?rdernde Institution


Project Description

The aim of this project was the further research, implementation and evaluation of QPBT and the comparison with other methods.

[Translate to English:]Projektleitung:

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Uwe Stephenson


Dipl.-Eng. Alexander Pohl


Engineering Mathematics
Building physics
Room acoustics

[Translate to English:]F?rdernde Institution