

Law and Administration

Dr. Cathrin Zengerling, LL.M. (University of Michigan)

Head of Junior Research Group "Urban Footprints"

funded by a Freigeist Fellowship of the Volkswagen Foundation

HafenCity University 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网
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Cathrin Zengerling studied law in Münster, Madrid, and 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网 with a focus on environmental, planning, European, and international law. She completed her legal clerkship (juristisches Referendariat) at the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety; the 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网 Ministry of Urban Development and the Environment; and the United Nations in Geneva. In 2006, she earned the degree of Master of Laws at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA. From January 2008 to April 2011, while working as a research associate at the HafenCity University, she completed her doctorate on the topic of international environmental law at the University of 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网. She has been working as a lawyer since May 2011, initially in the areas of energy, construction, and environmental law in the firm of Günther Rechtsanw?lte in 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网. Since November 2015, she has worked as a post-doctoral research associate and since January 2018 as head of the junior research group "Urban Footprints" at the HCU.

Curriculum Vitae

Research Interests

Regulation of resource use and resource conservation

Environmental, planning, and energy law

International and European environmental and trade law

Sustainable urban development

International institutions

Participation of citizens and NGOs

Urban Footprints - Towards Greater Accountability in the Governance of Cities' Carbon and Material Flows

Global warming and the depletion of resources are enormous environmental and societal challenges of our time. Globally, scientists and politicians agree that meeting these challenges requires major transformation processes compared to business as usual. The Footprints project focuses on the current as well as the potential future role of cities in combating climate change and resource depletion. Cities are crucial actors when it comes to these global problems; they consume about 75 % of world energy and material flows. The research builds on the hypothesis that the design of local urban systems is crucial for global sustainability. It explores accountable modes of governance of cities' carbon and material footprints in order to activate the transformative forces within cities. Bridging the disciplines of legal sciences and urban studies, the project will develop a knowledge base, an analysis of opportunities and challenges, as well as recommendations for enhanced accountable governance of urban carbon and material footprints for eight international cities and their respective national jurisdictions, including China, India and the United States. With its innovative approach to urban governance, the Footprints project aims to function as a catalyst for overcoming national boundaries, established disciplines, and institutions.


Funded by a Freigeist-Fellowship of the Volkswagen Foundation.


CliCCS – Climate, Climatic Chance and Society

Participating Researcher in drei Teilprojekten des Exzellenzclusters CliCCS der Universit?t 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网: ?Dynamics of Climate Governance: Norms, Contestation, and Policies“, ?Coping with Climate-Related Uncertainties and Variabilities” und ?Sustainable Adaptation Scenarios for Urban Areas - Water from Four Sides".


E-Quartier 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网 – Electromobility in urban residential areas, legal opinion

Das Projekt e-Quartier 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网 erforscht, wie Elektromobilit?t verst?rkt in urbane Wohnquartiere integriert werden kann. Im ?ffentlichen Raum entstehen zunehmend Lades?ulen auf weitgehend gesicherter Rechtsgrundlage. Daher fokussiert das Rechtsgutachten auf den privaten Raum. Es geht der Frage nach, wie die Zahl der Stellpl?tze mit Ladeinfrastruktur auf privaten Fl?chen erh?ht werden kann. Im Schwerpunkt wird untersucht, mit welchen Instrumenten Gemeinden rechtsverbindlich steuern k?nnen, dass Stellpl?tze mit Ladeinfrastruktur auf privaten Fl?chen entstehen. Daneben geht es um die Umsetzung. Welchen rechtlichen Hürden begegnet der Grundstückseigentümer oder der Lades?ulenbetreiber, wenn er Stellpl?tze mit Ladeinfrastruktur baut und betreibt? Ermittelt werden Handlungsspielr?ume in Neubau und Bestand. Von besonderer Bedeutung ist die Frage, ob und wie die (?ffentliche) Zug?nglichkeit von Lades?ulen im privaten Raum gef?rdert werden kann. Wie k?nnen private Fl?chen zum E-Carsharing genutzt werden?

Das Rechtsgutachen kann hier in der Kurzfassung oder Langfassung heruntergeladen werden.


Project of the model region of 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网, funded by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure.

Winter Semester 2018/19

Legal and Economic Instruments of Environmental Policy (M. Sc. REAP), with Prof. Dr. Martin Wickel und Prof. Irene Peters, Ph.D.

Project I: Strategic Sustainability Planning in International Cities (M. Sc. REAP), with Dipl.-Ing. Ana Strastil

Summer Semester 2018

Nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung (Bsc. Stadtplanung), together with Prof. Irene Peters, Ph.D. and Prof. Dr. Martin Wickel

Winter Semester 2017/18

Project I (M.Sc. REAP), "Best Practice and Good Governance in Urban Sustainability Transitions", together with Dipl.-Ing. Ana Strastil

Legal and Economic Instruments of Environmental Policy (M.Sc. REAP), together with Prof. Irene Peters, Ph.D. und Prof. Dr. Martin Wickel

Supervision of Master’s Theses

Jovana Pavlicevic, "Sustainable Development of Hydro Power Plants in Montenegro", M.Sc. REAP, Wickel/Zengerling

Summer Semester 2017

P2 Project (B.Sc. Urban Planning), "Quartier der kurzen Wege - Konzept für attraktive Fu?- und Radwegeverbindungen im und um das Komponistenviertel (Barmbek-Süd)", together with Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Kreutz

Supervision of Master’s Theses

Xiawen Xu, "Der letzte Schutzhafen - Eine Untersuchung über die Transformation der Erneuerungsplanung in China, am Beispiel des Hafengebiets Shapowei in Xiamen, Fujian", M.Sc. Urban Design, Breckner/Zengerling

Benedickt Adcock, "Current Status: Energy Related Renovation and Modernisation in Germany", M.Sc. REAP, Wickel/Zengerling

Winter Semester 2016/17

Project I (M.Sc. REAP), "Towards Regenerative Cities - Governing the Urban Metabolism", together with Dipl.-Ing. Ana Strastil

Legal and Economic Instruments of Environmental Policy (M.Sc. REAP), together with Prof. Irene Peters, Ph.D. and Prof. Dr. Martin Wickel

Supervision of Master’s Theses

Philipp Preuner, "Afro-Smart Urbanism -A systems view on the efficiency of urban digitization, the case of Nairobi's tech-startup sector," REAP M.Sc., Wickel/Zengerling/Grabher

Ann-Sophie Orth, "Kommunale W?rmeplanung - Umsetzung der W?rmewende auf kommunaler Ebene", M.Sc. Stadtplanung, Wickel/Zengerling

Summer Semester 2016

Konzepte nachhaltiger Stadtentwicklung (Concepts of Sustainable Urban Development) (B.Sc. Urban Planning), together with Prof. Irene Peters, Ph.D. und Prof. Dr. Martin Wickel

Winter Semester 2015/16

Legal and Economic Instruments of Environmental Policy (M.Sc. REAP), together with Prof. Irene Peters, Ph.D. and Prof. Dr. Martin Wickel

Supervision of Master’s Theses

Timo Dittmers, "Renewable Energies in District Heating - Integration of Power-to-Heat," REAP M.Sc., Wickel/Zengerling

Carolina Puccini Lopera, "Sustainable Energy Supply by Ecoregion in Colombia," REAP M.Sc., Wickel/Morello/Zengerling

Kory Chisholm, "Quantifying Sustainability? A Critical Assessment of LEED-Neighborhood Development using The Cogswell Lands Plan Halifax, Nova Scotia as a Case Study," REAP M.Sc., Wickel/Zengerling/Jurleit

Winter Semester 2014/15

Legal and Economic Instruments of Environmental Policy (M.Sc. REAP), together with Prof. Irene Peters, Ph.D. and Prof. Dr. Martin Wickel

Supervision of Master’s Theses

Tiffany McCoy, "Transposition of WEEE Recast 2012/19/EU in Germany: Resource-Efficient Approaches to Photovoltaic Recovery and Recycling Schemes," REAP M.Sc., Wickel/Sander/Zengerling

Elisavet Panteli, "The Transition to a Green Economy: An Evaluation of the European Union's Energy and Climate Change Policy," REAP M.Sc., Wickel/Zengerling

Winter Semester 2013/14

Legal and Economic Instruments of Environmental Policy (M.Sc. REAP), together with Prof. Irene Peters, Ph.D. and Prof. Dr. Martin Wickel

Winter Semester 2012/13

Legal and Economic Instruments of Environmental Policy (M.Sc. REAP), together with Prof. Irene Peters, Ph.D. and Prof. Dr. Martin Wickel

Supervision of Bachelor’s Theses

Markus Thye, "Projektierung von Windkraftanlagen in Gewerbegebieten in 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网," Urban Planning B.Sc., Peters/Zengerling

Summer Semester 2011

European Environmental Policy (M.Sc. Urban Planning), together with Prof. Dr. Martin Wickel

Supervision of Master’s Theses

Oliver Riek, "Bürgerbegehren und Bürgerentscheide in der Bauleitplanung – Bürgerbeteiligung und Bürgerinteressen in stadtplanerischen Entscheidungsprozessen in den 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网er Bezirken", Urban Planning M.Sc., Wickel/Zengerling

Winter Semester 2010/11

Utopias and Other Spaces - Societal Construction in Literature (M.Sc. Q-Studies), together with Prof. Dr. Marianne Schuller

Legal and Economic Instruments of Environmental Policy (M.Sc. REAP), together with Prof. Irene Peters, Ph.D. and Prof. Dr. Martin Wickel

Economics and Planning of Technical Urban Infrastructure Systems (M.Sc. REAP), together with Prof. Irene Peters, Ph.D. and Prof. Dr. Martin Wickel

Project I (M.Sc. REAP), together with Dipl.-Ing. Ana Strastil

Summer Semester 2010

European Planning Law/European Environmental Policy (M.Sc. Urban Planning), together with Prof. Dr. Martin Wickel

Supervision of Master’s and Bachelor’s Theses

Susanne Schubert, "Do the coordination bodies fulfill their coordination function – A case study of UN Water, UN Energy and UN EMG," Urban Planning M.Sc., Wickel/Zengerling

Beate Eissing, "Die Stadt geh?rt allen? Soziale Mischung in 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网," Diplom Urban Planning, Krüger/Zengerling

Jascha Stumpf, "Bürgerbegehren und Bürgerentscheid im kommunalen St?dtebau – Effektive Instrumente der direkten Demokratie?" Urban Planning B.Sc., Wickel/Zengerling

Winter Semester 2009/10

Utopias and Other Spaces - Societal Construction in Literature (M.Sc. Q-Studies), together with Prof. Dr. Marianne Schuller

Legal and Economic Instruments of Environmental Policy (M.Sc. REAP), together with Prof. Irene Peters, Ph.D. and Prof. Dr. Martin Wickel

Summer Semester 2009

European Planning Law (MPO Urban Planning) / Planning Law in Europe (DPO Urban Planning), together with Prof. Dr. Martin Wickel

Supervision of Master’s Theses

Carl Christian Gurgel de Goes Moraes, "Stadtplanung, Windkraft im Innenbereich – Frischer Wind im Industriegebiet," Diplom Urban Planning, Peters/Wickel/Zengerling

Summer Semester 2008

Supervision of Master’s and Bachelor’s Theses

Andreas Kubischok, "Die Optimierung des Planungsprozesses regenerativer Energietr?ger am Beispiel von Windenergieanlagen," Urban Planning B.Sc., Wickel/Zengerling

2003 – 2005

Tutor for lectures in the Fundamentals of Public Law, and Construction and Planning Law, taught by Prof. Dr. Martin Wickel (Diplom Urban Planning, TU 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网-Harburg)


C. Zengerling (2013). Greening International Jurisprudence – Environmental NGOs before International Courts, Tribunals and Compliance Committees. Boston, Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.

Contributions in Collections

C. Zengerling, M. Buck (2018). Umweltschutz und Freihandel. In H.-J. Koch (Ed), Handbuch des Umweltrechts (pp. 1100-1148). München: Vahlen.

M. Wickel, C. Zengerling (2017). Multi-level Climate Governance in Germany – Opportunities and Constraints of Formal and Informal Instruments from a Legal Perspective. In J. Antunes Ferreira et al. (Eds), AESOP 2017 Congress eBook of Proceedings (pp. 2450-2460). Lisboa, Universidade de Lisboa.

R. Verheyen, C. Zengerling (2016). International Dispute Settlement. In C. Carlarne / K.R. Gray / R. Tarasofsky (Eds), Oxford Handbook of International Climate Change Law (pp. 417-440). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

R. Verheyen, C. Zengerling (2013). International Climate Change Cases. In OC Ruppel / C. Roschmann / K. Ruppel-Schlichting (Eds), Climate Change: Legal Responses and Global Responsibility, Volume I (pp. 759-804). Baden-Baden: Nomos Publishers.

C. Zengerling (2008). NGOs versus European Pirates – Fisheries Agreements, IUU Fishing and the ITLOS in West African Seas, in E. Couzen / T. Honkonen (Eds), International Environmental Law-making and Diplomacy Review (pp. 107-132). Joensuu, Finland: UNEP, University of Finland UNEP Course Series.

Scientific Articles

S. Aykut, M. Neukirch, C. Zengerling, A. Engels, M. Suhari, A. Pohlmann (2019). Energiewende ohne gesellschaftlichen Wandel? Der blinde Fleck in der aktuellen Debatte zur "Sektorkopplung", Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen, 3/2019, 20-24.

C. Zengerling (2019). Governing the City of Flows – A Plea for Greater Accountability in Strategic Planning and Implementation. Urban Planning, 4/1, 187-199. Open access

J. Kortl?nder, C. Zengerling (2018). Solarstrom im Quartier – Potentiale und Grenzen des neuen Mieterstromgesetzes. RaumPlanung, 198 / 5-2018, 55-59.

T. Prill, C. Zengerling (2018). Elektromobilit?t in urbanen Wohnquartieren – Handlungsspielr?ume und quartiersbezogene Strategien. PLANERIN, 3, 37-41.

C. Zengerling (2018). Action on Climate Change Mitigation in German and Chinese Cities - A Search for Emerging Patterns of Accountability. Habitat International, 75, 147-153.

J. Kortl?nder, C. Zengerling (2018). Das neue Mieterstromgesetz – (k)ein Beitrag zur Energiewende?. Zeitschrift für Neues Energierecht (ZNER), 22/1, 13-20.

M. Duncker, C. Zengerling (2017). Elektromobilit?t in der kommunalen Planung. RaumPlanung 190, 44-49.

M. Wickel, C. Zengerling (2016). Die Zulassung des vorzeitigen Baubeginns für Flüchtlingsunterkünfte in der 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网ischen Bauordnung. Zeitschrift für ?ffentliches Recht in Norddeutschland (Nord?R), 4, 133-139.

C. Zengerling, R. Verheyen (2014). Seegerichtshof beschlie?t die Freilassung von Crew und Schiff im Fall ?Arctic Sunrise“. Zeitschrift für Umweltrecht (ZUR), 3, 147-150.

M. Wickel, C. Zengerling (2011). Partizipation in der kommunalen Planung – ?ffentlichkeits-beteiligung und Bürgerentscheide. RaumPlanung 156/157, 138 -143.

M. Wickel, C. Zengerling (2011). BauGB-Novelle und kommunaler Klimaschutz. PLANERIN 2/11, 59-60.

C. Zengerling (2010). Sustainable Development and International (Environmental) Law – Integration vs. Fragmentation. Zeitschrift für Europ?isches Umwelt- und Planungsrecht (EurUP), 8, 175-186.

M. Wickel, C. Zengerling (2010). Beeinflussung der gemeindlichen Bauleitplanung durch Bürgerentscheide – M?glichkeiten und Grenzen. Zeitschrift für ?ffentliches Recht in Norddeutschland (Nord?R), 3, 91-97.

C. Zengerling (2008). Nicht bekannt oder nicht gew?hrt – Die Bürger/innenrechte aus der Aarhus Konvention. Forum Recht, 2, 48-50.

I. Zodrow, C. Zengerling (2007). Opening the Doors to Justice – The Challenge of Strengthening Public Access. Environmental Law Network International (ELNI), 20-22.

Book Reviews

C. Zengerling (2017). Lehren aus 35 Jahren Tragik der Allmende, Rezension Lena Jahrmarkt - Internationales Klimaschutzrecht. Vereinte Nationen 6/2017, 280.

C. Zengerling (2007). Jura feministisch studieren, Rezension Foljanty/Lembke (Eds.) - Feministische Rechtswissenschaft. Forum Recht, 2, 66.

Legal Opinions

C. Zengerling (2017), E-Quartier 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网 - Elektromobilit?t in urbanen Wohnquartieren, Rechtsgutachten (Projekt der Modellregion 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网, gef?rdert durch das BMVBS), November 2017. Abrufbar unter: http://edoc.sub.uni-hamburg.de/hcu/volltexte/2018/423/

C. Zengerling (2014). "Rechtliche Bewertung einzelner Regelungen des EEG-Referentenentwurfes vom 4. M?rz 2014" (Legal Assessment of Selected Regulations in the German Renewable Energy Sources Act of 4 March 2014), on behalf of Greenpeace e.V. during the association hearing on the German Renewable Energy Sources Act 2014, March 2014.

Invited talks and panel contributions

?Aufbau von Ladeinfrastruktur auf privaten Fl?chen - Kommunale Steuerungsinstrumente", Institut für St?dtebau, Januar 2019.

?The Importance of Measuring for Accountable Air Pollution and Climate Change Governance", Klimapolis/CityLab Workshop, 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网, Dezember 2018.

?Urban Footprints - Wie St?dte ihren ?kologischen Fu?abdruck verantworten", Interdisziplin?res Kolloquium 'Umk?mpfte R?ume', Europa-Universit?t Flensburg, November 2018.

?Towards Greater Accountability in Urban Environmental Governance – Air Pollution vs. Climate Change”, Klimapolis/CityLab Workshop, S?o Paulo, Brazil, August 2018.

Panelist, Panel Dicussion ?Desired Trajectories”, Workshop ?Desired Trajectories for the Earth System in the 21st Century”, HanseWissenschaftskolleg Delmenhorst, Prof. Dr. Guy Brasseur, Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie, 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网, M?rz 2018.

?Elektromobilit?t in urbanen Wohnquartieren – Instrumente zur Aktivierung privater Fl?chen“, Forum Bauen und Mobilit?t, Zentrum für Energie, Bauen, Architektur und Umwelt (ZEBAU), 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网, Februar 2018

?Urban Footprints – Towards Greater Accountability in the Governance of Cities’ Carbon and Material Flows”, Study Group “Green Growth, SDGs and Cities”, HanseWissenschaftskolleg Delmenhorst, Januar 2018.

?Urban Footprints – Towards Greater Accountability in the Governance of Cities’ Carbon and Material Flows”, Forschungskolloquium Stadt/Raum/Planung, HafenCity Universit?t 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网, Prof. Dr. Monika Grubbauer, Januar 2018.

?e-Quartier – Elektromobilit?t in urbanen Wohnquartieren: Ergebnisse des Rechtsgutachtens”, Interessentenkreis der Beh?rde für Umwelt und Energie sowie der Beh?rde für Stadtentwicklung und Wohnen, 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网, Januar 2018.

Vorstellung des Konzepts ?Urbane Fu?abdrücke”, Projekt ?Steuerbare urbane Stoffstr?me – M?glichkeiten und Grenzen der nachhaltigen Steuerung st?dtischer und stadtregionaler Stoffstr?me mittels Instrumenten der Stadtplanung (FKZ: 3717 3510 10), 2. Projekttreffen, Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik (Difu), Berlin, Dezember 2017.

?Urban Footprints – Towards Greater Accountability in the Governance of Cities’ Carbon and Material Flows”, Forschungskolloquium Sozialwissenschaftliche Klimaforschung, Universit?t 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网, Fakult?t für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, Prof. Dr. Anita Engels, November 2017.

?Urban Footprints – Towards Greater Accountability in the Governance of Cities’ Carbon and Material Flows”, Roundtable KlimaCampus, 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网, Oktober 2017.

?Urbane Fu?abdrücke - Verantwortung und Verbindlichkeit in der Steuerung kommunaler Treibhausgasemissionen", UPPW - Umwelt- und Planungsrecht in Praxis und Wissenschaft, Martin-Luther-Universit?t Halle-Wittenberg in Kooperation mit dem Umweltbundesamt, Januar 2017.

?International Climate Change Governance - The Role of Environmental NGOs”, 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网 International Environmental Law Conference (HIELC), Bucerius Law School, 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网, September 2013.


?The Role of Cities in Combating Climate Change and the Depletion of Resources - Conceptual Framework of an Accountability Analysis", Earth System Governance Conference 2018, Utrecht, November 2018.

?Urban Footprints – Towards Greater Accountability in the Governance of Cities‘ Carbon and Material Flows“, Pr?sentation und Diskussion des Forschungsprojektes ”Urban Footprints“ an der University of Cairo, Faculty of Engineering, September 2018.

?Urban Footprints – Towards Greater Accountability in the Governance of Cities‘ Carbon and Material Flows“, Pr?sentation und Diskussion des Forschungsprojektes ”Urban Footprints“ an der Helwan University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Cairo, September 2018.

?ChangeMakerSpace”, Entwicklung und Pr?sentation einer Projektidee zur Implementierung der SDGs 11 und 16 in interkultureller und interdisziplin?rer Arbeitsgruppe, UNLEASH Innovation Lab 2018 for the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Singapur, Juni 2018.

?Accountable Governance of Cities' GHG Emissions", RAMSES Cities and Climate Conference 2017, Potsdam, September 2017.

?Sustainable Management of Natural Resources - The Role of European Cities", 5th European Environmental Law Forum (EELF) Annual Conference, Kopenhagen, August/September 2017.

?Multi-level Climate Governance in Germany - The Opportunities and Constraints in Formal and Informal Instruments from a Legal Perspective", AESOP Annual Congress 2017, Lissabon, Juli 2017.

?Action on Climate Change Mitigation in German and Chinese Cities - A Search for Emerging Patterns of Accountability", Planning, Law and Property Rights (PLPR) Annual Meeting 2017: “Institutional Innovations in Land Development and Planning in the 20th and 21st century”, Hong Kong, Februar 2017.

?Access to Justice in International Judicial and Quasi-Judicial Procedures – the Case for Strengthening Procedural Rights of Environmental NGOs, 4th Annual Conference of European Environmental Law Forum: "Procedural Environmental Rights: Principle X in Theory and Practice", Wroclaw, September 2016.

?Umweltverb?nde als Anw?lte der Natur”, Symposium ?Natur im Recht – Rechte der Natur?”, Forschungsstelle Umweltrecht, Universit?t 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网 in Zusammenarbeit mit Haus der Zukunkft 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网, Juli 2013.

??ffnung von W?rmenetzen – Erneuerbare Energien und Liberalisierung”, Disserationskolloquium, Universit?t 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网, Juni 2013.

?Beteiligung von Umweltverb?nden an internationalen Streitschlichtungsverfahren – Welthandelsorganisation (WTO) und Internationales Zentrum zur Beilegung von Investitionsstreitigkeiten (ICSID)”, Doktorandenseminar Prof. Dr. Markus Krajewski, Friedrich-Alexander-Universit?t Erlangen-Nürnberg, August 2011.

??ffentlichkeitsbeteiligung und Integration im Recht”, Junges Forum der Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung, 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网, Juni 2009.

Poster presentation

?SDG 11 and the Governance of Urban Carbon and Material Footprints“, GRC Industrial Ecology Conference 2018: ?The Role of Industrial Ecology in Reaching the Sustainable Development Goals”, Les Diablerets, Schweiz, Mai 2018.

  • Gesellschaft für Umweltrecht e.V. (GfU)
  • Internationaler Umweltrechtstag 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网 e.V. (IURT)
  • International Academic Association on Planning, Law, and Property Rights (PLPR)
  • European Environmental Law Forum (EELF)
  • Future Earth Open Network

Participation in project meeting UBA RefoPlan Vorhaben "Steuerbare urbane Stoffstr?me", 14 December 2017, Berlin

Participation in "Energieforum 2017", Leuphana University Lüneburg, 27 September 2017

Participation in expert workshop: "Rechtsfragen und L?sungsans?tze zur Transformation der W?rmenetze" (Legal questions and responses regarding the transformation of heating grids), Stiftung Umweltenergierecht, 26 October 2016, Würzburg

Session participant: "Die transformative Kraft der St?dte: Nachhaltige Urbanisierung in Nordrhein-Westfalen” (The Transformative Power of Cities: Sustainable Urban Development in Nordrhein-Westfalen), Zentralinstitut für Raumplanung, Zentrum für Interdisziplin?re Nachhaltigkeitsforschung, Institut für Umwelt- und Planungsrecht, University of Münster, 27 June 2016, Münster

Symposium participant: “Verankerung des Ressourcenschutzes im Recht” (Anchoring of Resource Conservation in Law), Umweltbundesamt and the University of Kassel, 21 June 2016, Berlin

Workshop participant: Teaching in the International Classroom, 17-18 March 2016, HafenCity University 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网 & van Oppen International, 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网

Participant: "SBE 16 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网 - International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment," 8-10 March 2016, HafenCity University 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网

Legal opinion: "Rechtliche Bewertung einzelner Regelungen des EEG-Referentenentwurfes vom 4. M?rz 2014" (Legal Assessment of Selected Regulations in the German Renewable Energy Sources Act of 4 March 2014), on behalf of Greenpeace e.V. during the association hearing on the German Renewable Energy Sources Act 2014 (March 2014)

Participant: "10. Kommunaler Klimaschutz-Konferenz des Klima-Bündnis" (10th Municipal Climate Protection Conference of the Climate Alliance), 11-13 November 2010 in Hannover - Vorbereitungsgruppe Klima-Bündnis-Position for the BauGB Ammendment 2011 (together with Prof. Dr. Martin Wickel)

Collaborated in the generation of an expert opinion by Prof. Dr. Martin Wickel on behalf of the Deutschen Umwelthilfe e.V. regarding the possibilities Municipalities have to control the planning of coal power plants with the help of urban land use planning (June – September 2008)


Nikita John, M.Sc REAP

Lisa Harseim, M.Sc REAP

Eigenes Forschungsprojekt

"Urban Footprints"

The project? "Urban Footprints - Towards Greater Accountability in the Governance of Cities' Carbon and Material Flows" focuses on the current as well as the potential future role of cities as crucial actors in combating climate change and resource depletion.


Urban Footprints sets off towards envisioning Global Cities on a Low Carbon Path!

On 4th and 5th July, the Kickoff event of the UFP saw the participation of 45 international and local, professionals and researchers. The focus lay on discussing systemic change in cities and possible transitions.

Supported by the creative atmosphere of the HongKong Studios, the event was conscioulsy supplied with enriching meals keeping a low "foodprint". The official press release gives an overview of the workshop proceedings.


S. Aykut, M. Neukirch, C. Zengerling, A. Engels, M. Suhari, A. Pohlmann (2019). Energiewende ohne gesellschaftlichen Wandel? Der blinde Fleck in der aktuellen Debatte zur "Sektorkopplung", Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen, 3/2019, 20-24.

C. Zengerling (2019). Governing the City of Flows – A Plea for Greater Accountability in Strategic Planning and Implementation. Urban Planning, 4/1, 187-199. Open access

J. Kortl?nder, C. Zengerling (2018). Solarstrom im Quartier – Potentiale und Grenzen des neuen Mieterstromgesetzes. RaumPlanung, 198 / 5-2018, 55-59.

T. Prill, C. Zengerling (2018). Elektromobilit?t in urbanen Wohnquartieren – Handlungsspielr?ume und quartiersbezogene Strategien. PLANERIN, 3, 37-41.

C. Zengerling, M. Buck (2018). Umweltschutz und Freihandel. In H.-J. Koch (Ed), Handbuch des Umweltrechts (pp. 1100-1148). München: Vahlen.

C. Zengerling (2018). Action on Climate Change Mitigation in German and Chinese Cities - A search for emerging patterns of accountability, Habitat International, S. 147-153.

Teaching WiSe 2018/19

Legal and Economic Instruments of Environmental Policy (M. Sc. REAP), with Prof. Dr. Martin Wickel und Prof. Irene Peters, Ph.D.

Project I: Strategic Sustainability Planning in International Cities (M. Sc. REAP), with Dipl.-Ing. Ana Strastil