Points of Contact | Committees

General questions

Please contact our Infothek?for all general questions regarding HafenCity University or your application?(infothek(at)hcu-hamburg.de).

For questions about your study interest and other individual cases please refer to the Student Administration?(studierendenverwaltung(at)hcu-hamburg.de).

Technical questions:
Please use the support contact form of the?ahoi-System.

Students union

Committees of student self-administration and participation are the?Students' Parliament (StuPa),?the?General Students' Committee (AStA), and the Student Council Council for Architecture+ (FSR - A+). Please?click here?for further information on student committees.

General student counselling

For questions concerning the curriculum or personal planning of your studies please refer to your Programmgesch?ftsführung Architektur:

Christine Wamper
Henning-Voscherau-Platz 1
20457 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网
Room 4.019
Telephone: +49 (0)40 42827–5351
Email: stuko.architektur(at)hcu-hamburg.de

Consulting hours:
on appointment


Deans of studies

Dean Bachelor?

Prof. Bernd Dahlgrün
Room 2 110.1

Dean Master?




Ihre Ansprechpartner bei konkreten Fragen zum Studienfachverlauf oder zur Berufsperspektive:

Prof. Dr. J?rn Düwel
Raum 5.004

Sprechzeiten: siehe Aushang?und nach Vereinbarung.?Bitte adressieren Sie Ihr Anliegen zun?chst per Email.



Fragen zur Prüfungsordnung, zur Prüfungsorganisation und zum Prüfungsablauf, Widersprüche, Fristenregelung, etc.

Prof. Barbara Ludescher

Raum 2.110.1
+49 40 428 27 -5321


Advise on internships

Regulations on internships according to study and examination regulations?(PDF)
(only in German)

For advice on pre-study and course-related internships please contact:

Prof. Gesine Weinmiller
Room: 2.017
Tel. +49 (0)040 42827-5076



BAf?G related questions can be answered by:

Prof. Dr. J?rn Düwel
Room: 4.138
Tel.: +49 (0)40 42827-5266


