Perspectives in Metropolitan Research

Imprinting the Landscape
Christiane S?rensen/Anne Kittel in:
Passion for Built Environment
(Perspectives in Metropolitan Research 2) Annette B?ge/Christiane S?rensen (Hrsg.), Jovis Verlag, Berlin, 159-172
The Rural as an Autonomous Narrative Within the Hierarchy of Global Urbanization or: What Kind of Stories Can the Rural Tell Within the City?
Christiane S?rensen / Wiltrud Limburger in:?
ISU Talks 03: Ruralism Conference Proceedings, University of Braunschweig
Enthüllen und Verdichten des Ortsged?chtnisses
Christiane S?rensen in:
Praktiken Reflexiven Entwerfens, Jogis Verlag, Berlin, 53-68